Sunrise City Server 

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Welcome to A new era

In late 2021, the idea for New Sunrisia took shape, driven by a desire to create a visually stunning world and a city that lives up to its name. After careful planning and hard work, New Sunrisia opened its doors in beta on June 3, 2023. 

The trailer

The official trailer for Sunrise City Server's third iteration of its server, New Sunrisia! 

How it started

Our server originally opened in beta in May 2021. At that point, we were branded as 'SunriseMC'. The city that used to exist here was called 'Sunrise City'.  However, since June 2023, We have opened 'New Sunrisia' in early access which is our new city we have worked on for over a year.

Our Old City - 'Sunrise City', 2021-2023


Dynmap – your ultimate navigation tool within our server! This Dynamic Map is your go-to guide for effortlessly finding your way around. Packed with essential categories like train lines, bus routes, shopping hotspots, and so much more, it's your key to unlocking the full potential of our world! 

Quick Navigation

Click the buttons below to go to the specific topic that you want to explore more of.